Really? You don’t want Marilyn?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Day three of the Kari Saga:
Well, I had to go back to work today, but my boss let me go home early to spend time with Kari. She had an easy morning and then met me at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Kari had wanted to go there the past two times that she has come to visit, but never got the chance. I have never been either, so we thought it would be a fun activity.

This is the perfect outing for hardcore scrap bookers such as ourselves. Can you say photo op? We took a lot of pics with our favorite celebrities. We really had a great time. When we walked into the first room, we were a little creeped out. Some of the statues looked so lifelike.

We then made out way down to Canal Street. Kari bought a way cute hat and I bought some more scarves. This was our one and only none show day. Tomorrow I have to work the full day, but we get to see Hairspray! This is my favorite show, so I’m way excited to see it again.

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