Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
Today is my one year anniversary in New York! Here is how I measure my first year in this crazy city.
- Three apartments
- One Internship
- Two Jobs
- 12 Metro Cards
- Three roommates
- Three Ballets
- Three Museums (Pathetic!)
- Nine Celebrity Sightings
- 20 Broadway Plays (Seven of these I saw more than once. I really need to stop doing that! I promise to not repeat a show until I have seen all the ones that are on my priority list)
- Two Professional Sporting events (I really need to work on this next year)
- 19 Movies (I know this is unacceptable. I promise to work on it. Maybe I will go see a movie this weekend)
Not bad. I love it here in the city. It does get lonely sometimes, but I’m starting to find ways to keep me distracted. Luckily for me there are plenty of them.I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to celebrate this momentous occasion, but I’m sure a play will be involved. On my first whole day in the city, Sarah and I went to see the Pirate Queen. Unfortunately Sarah isn’t here to relive our memorable first day, but I think it is necessary to honor our first day with a play. All I know is that it will have to be a cheap show. A year in this city is expensive.