One Memorable Equation!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Four Years (four fall, four winter, and two spring semesters)
Two majors (all leading to the same career goal)
Four addresses
Five church callings
Thirteen roommates
Three All-Sport-Passes
120.5 credit hours (you need 120 minimum to graduate)
Three jobs (one on campus job, one off campus job, and one summer job)

All adds up to this very happy 23-year-old and a really expensive piece of paper!

(Sorry MR for stealing your idea….it was just way to cute)


  1. Congratulations!!! I also like that your picture with the diploma is almost the exact opposite of your profile pic.

  2. I'm stealing the idea too... when I finish geology.

  3. That's okay. I stole the idea from someone else! I like how you took it even further! Too bad I already finished my page!
