Wilma, Betty, or Pebbles?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I know that this is late, considering that Halloween was last Wednesday, but I thought it was fair to show the pics of the three roommates together. I thought our costumers were good and that it would be a no-brainer who we were suppose to be. Unfortunately we were asked several times throughout the evening who we were. Leah, (Wilma) was asked if she was Pebbles and I (Pebbles) was asked if I was Betty or Wilma. Seriously people! This shouldn’t have been a problem! Didn’t we all grow up on Flintstones? Wasn’t it one of the cartoons of choice? They’re classic! Isn’t it easy to tell that Betty wears blue, Wilma wears white, and Pebbles the one with the bone in her hair. Maybe our costumes weren’t as good as we thought. What do you think? Ok Leah and Korts costumes were better then mine.

Even though people were having a hard time guessing who we were, this didn’t deter us from having a good time. Yes, I will admit that I did leave earlier then Kort and Leah, but I did stay longer then I was planning. It was a great party, and our hostesses did an amazing job. First New York Halloween down and I hope several more to come. I’m already thinking of my costume for next year. What will I be? We shall see.

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