Friday Favorites: TV shows

Friday, September 18, 2009

Confession: I watch a lot of TV (gotta love TiVo!) While I will watch almost anything that's on, I do have a few select shows that I'm truly loyal to. You know what I'm talking about. It's the show you have to watch the day of because you can't bear the thought of not knowing what happened.

LOST: I started watching LOST the first season it came out. I watched my first episode my sophomore year of college and I have been addicted ever since. I'm also proud to admit that I have brought a lot of people into the LOST "fold" over the years. I can't wait until January when the season starts again.

the office: I'm a "new" office fan. I started watching last year and just fell in love. It's not really my type of show, so I'm kind of surprised that I like it so much.

LAW & ORDER - SVU: The sun never sets on LAW & ORDER. It's always on! But SVU is my favorite. It wasn't until this year that I actually started watching the new episodes the week that they come out. I usually just watched the reruns on TNT. It's always a good day when I discover an episode I've never seen.

NCIS: This is another new show for me. I just started watching this year, but have caught up on all the seasons. I can't wait for the next season to start. I miss Gibbs.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: My newest obsession! Over the years many people have told me about how great this show is. I never watched an episode, but I saw that the first season was on sale at Best Buy so I got it. It sat on my DVD rack for over four months. But on Wednesday I started watching. Now I can't stop! My new life goal is to move to Texas and marry a football coach!


  1. I'm totally with you on SVU. I've never really watched the new episodes unless I randomly stumbled across them. It's always awesome though, when you come across a rerun that you've never seen! For a while every Sunday Lifetime was showing like 5 episodes back to back, it was awesome.

  2. I LOVE Friday Night Lights. It is one of the few shows I can watch over and over. Oh Saracen, how I love you...

    Just so you know though, season 2 has a few lame-o storylines, but if you can make it through, it gets better

  3. I LOVE Law and Order's the only show I feel any dedication to!! :)

  4. I found you blog! And, I'm so glad you like FNL. I love it so much! I'm pretty sure I watched the first two seasons in a week, well, maybe two weeks, but it was really fast. Enjoy!
