First Trip to IKEA

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yesterday, I went on a little shopping outing with my roommates. We went to the Target in Brooklyn to stock up on some needed supplies. I loved it. It felt like school shopping again. Ashley and I then made our way out to IKEA. Those of you in New York know that we had terrible weather yesterday, so this was quite the trip. It was rainy and windy all afternoon. After several leaky/disgusting subway stops and a bumpy bus ride, we made it to the store. I have never been to a store like IKEA. It was quite the experience.
Unfortunately I had a headache, so I wasn't totally into it. In fact, by the end of our visit I was really really sick. We made it back to the subway station and back into Manhattan, but I felt terrible the whole time. We then had to wait in a hot subway station for about 20 minutes to transfer to another train. When one finally came, we got up to get on and I threw up! I felt bad we missed the train, but I but I did feel better.
This is my second throw up experience in Manhattan, and I will admit that it sucks. Throwing up in general sucks, but it’s taken to a whole new level when you’re 40 min from home and you have to get on the subway. Luckily I was a little more prepared this time (thanks to an empty Target bag). Ashley was really sweet, but I feel bad that I wasn’t the best shopping partner. I hope I get to go back to IKEA when I’m in ideal health and the weather is a little better. We shall see.

P.S. I really want this chair. Does anyone want to buy it for me? I think it would go perfect in my room.


  1. eww I am sorry you threw up! I know how you feel - I had a similar experience, except I was on the train and all Ethan could do was reach out his jacket to catch what he could... needless to say EVERYONE left the subway car. one of the most horrible experiences of my life.
    do you know why you were feeling sick?

  2. I didn't even throw up on the subway, and I'm old!!!!! Sorry you felt bad, but do you miss your favorite Aunt?
