Ten Months!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I know this is late, but I've been waiting for some new studio equipment! For my birthday I got a backdrop support, soft box with stand, and some backdrops. I'm still practicing and figuring things out, but I think it's going to be fun. I tried to do this photo-shoot by myself again and it was totally a disaster. Cohen is just moving everywhere! I can't stop him! You would think I'd learn not to do the photo-shoots by myself.

Cohen at 10 Months

Moving Around!
Cohen still hasn't figured out the whole crawling thing, but he's getting soooooo close! He has also turned into a bit of a house explorer. He can now manage to get from one end of the house to the other using several different "moves." 

Since Cohen is traveling all over the house, he's discovered his love for pounding on doors with his feet. He likes to roll out of his room and pound on Jeff's office door. He also pounds on the bottom of the crib in the morning. I think it's his way of telling me to get up. :)

Feeding Himself
We are still working on the whole eating thing. Cohen goes through phases of when he will eat and drink. It's actually kind of stressful. However, he's become good at feeding himself some finger foods! He doesn't always swallow (an important part of eating), but he does pretty good.

Crying for Daddy :)
Cohen now has the tendency to cry whenever I take him away from Jeff or Jeff leaves the room. It's not a whinny cry, it's a full on breakdown! It's kind of cute, but I feel bad for Cohen. Cohen LOVES his daddy.

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