A trip to Chelsea Market
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Last Tuesday, Jeff decided to take a little trip into the city to go to Chelsea Markets and visit a friend who just had a baby. We only visited two places at Chelsea Market, but I think it was all I needed to do to know that I totally want to go back next time I'm in the City. (Jeff and I were fasting so we had to pick up stuff for later which was very very hard). We went to Lobster Place and Rana. We got some amazing pasta at Rana and I wish we would have gotten more!
Erika Neu Photography
New York
Cohen's first trip to the Central Park Zoo
Monday, August 10, 2015
After a couple games of chess, we made our way to the Central Park Zoo. If you're thinking that the Central Park Zoo is anything like the zoo in the movie Madagascar, I'm sorry to be the one to inform you that it is NOTHING like that zoo. Ok, maybe there are some architectural elements that are similar, but there are no lions, hippos, zebras, or giraffes. There are penguins and Cohen just loves penguins so a total win for us. I actually really like the Central Park Zoo, but there really isn't much there. It was Cohen's nap time, so he was getting fussy towards the end of our trip, but I made him sit through the seal feeding. The trainers come out and feed the seals while they do some tests which means they do some cool tricks. It was totally worth waiting around for.
Central Park
Central Park Zoo
New York
Central Park Chess and Checkers House
Friday, August 7, 2015
Many of you probably already know this, but I lived in New York City for awhile after I graduated from college. I lived on the Upper West Side close to Central Park and use to walk through the park all the time. I'm ashamed to admit that I never knew that there was a Chess and Checkers House. I've seen the building before, but I had no idea that you could go borrow chess and checker sets and play a game. Well, my nephew heard about it and wanted to stop by and play a game on our way to the Central Park Zoo. It's a really cool facility and I'm glad we stopped by.
Central Park
New York
Cohen, Penguins, and Sharks...oh, my!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
I love when family comes to visit. They are great at getting me out of the house and doing fun new things. When Kari was visiting last month we went to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ. Jeff has told me about this aquarium several times, but I have never taken the 1.5 hour trip down there until now.
It is a nice aquarium (a little expensive for what it is in my opinion), but I think Cohen really enjoyed looking at all the fish. True to previous zoo/aquarium trips, Cohen still loves Penguins! He also really liked the Shark tank. They have a tube you can walk through and Cohen totally loved it! I think I will go back in the Fall when there are less people there, so Cohen can run around and not get trampled.
It is a nice aquarium (a little expensive for what it is in my opinion), but I think Cohen really enjoyed looking at all the fish. True to previous zoo/aquarium trips, Cohen still loves Penguins! He also really liked the Shark tank. They have a tube you can walk through and Cohen totally loved it! I think I will go back in the Fall when there are less people there, so Cohen can run around and not get trampled.
Thanks for the water table Grandma and Grandpa!
Monday, August 3, 2015
When my parents were visiting they took Cohen and I on a little trip to Toys "R" Us. Well, they bought so much stuff it almost didn't fit in the car! One of the items that they purchased was a water table for Cohen to play with in the backyard. It's been set up in his toy room for months and we finally busted it out the last day Kari was in town. (Why the delay? Well, we headed to WI shortly after my parents visited where Cohen broke his arm)
Cohen LOVES it! He just loves water in general. Thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa for such a fun toy!
Brie also loves the table. It's at great drinking height for her. Cohen watched her take a few sips and decided it was the "cool" thing to do and started doing it as well.
Cohen LOVES it! He just loves water in general. Thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa for such a fun toy!
Brie also loves the table. It's at great drinking height for her. Cohen watched her take a few sips and decided it was the "cool" thing to do and started doing it as well.
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