Nine Months!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My little baby is growing too fast!

Cohen at 9 Months

Cohen ha officially decided that he will eat solids. We had a ward BBQ a few weeks ago and noticed that another baby in the ward was eating solids like professional (and he's two months younger!), so I told Cohen to watch him cause that's how it was done. Well, the next day Cohen ate his whole breakfast and didn't push anything back out! I'm thrilled that Cohen is now eating, but a little worried that he give in to peer pressure so easily.

Rolling Around
Cohen has been rolling from his stomach to his back for a long time, but wouldn't roll from his back to his belly (he doesn't like being on his belly). Well, out of nowhere he just started rolling and rolling and rolling. Now he moves all around the room. He hasn't started drawing, but he's become the expert roller.

Now that Cohen is mobile, he is getting into everything. He really likes to roll over to the bookshelf in his room and pull everything out of the cubby.  This kid has no desire to stay in one spot!

I love that Cohen will sit on the floor and entertain himself. He loves playing with his toys and rolling over to find more.

Talking (more)
Cohen still says, "Da da da" the most, but he has now added "Ma Ma Ma" which makes me happy. He also says, "Bah Bah."

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